Secret Cravings Read online
Page 4
“Bryan,” Luke called as he stepped out of the building. Bryan stepped aside and Luke’s steps faltered. The pink-haired pixie who’d previously been hidden by Bryan’s body smiled up at him. His heart stalled, then beat wildly in his chest.
“I hope you don’t mind. I ran into Nichole earlier today. I asked her to come.” Bryan looked a little sheepish.
Luke smiled at the pair. Part of him wanted to drag both of them back upstairs and take care of his growing wood, but the idea that someone might actually care about him as a person wound through him. “Let’s go grab some food.”
They walked side by side for a few feet, then the pedestrian traffic got too thick. He reached back and grabbed Bryan’s hand, and Nichole grasped onto Bryan as they threaded their way through the pack. By the time they’d made it two blocks, the crowd had thinned and they fell into step, laughing about the situation but none of them dropping hands.
Luke felt like a million bucks as he walked into the restaurant with Brian and Nichole. No, they weren’t runway models or actors, but they were both wonderful people and at least Bryan seemed to like him for who he was, not for what he did.
They ordered their food and Nichole sat between the men, so that Bryan was sitting directly across from Luke. She leaned her elbows on the table and flashed Luke a smile.
“It’s good to see you.” Nichole picked up her spoon and toyed with it before putting it down.
“I didn’t know if I would get a chance to see you again.” Luke’s gaze swung to Brian then back to Nichole.
“I’m surprised you would even want to,” Nichole said.
“Why do you say that?”
“I know who you are now.” Nichole’s gaze slid to Bryan. She lifted her brows and smiled.
“Who is he?” Bryan asked.
“Wait.” Luke held up his hand, praying Nichole would keep her mouth closed. “For tonight, can I just be Luke, the guy you both met one Saturday night on the streets of New York?”
“I don’t care who you are. I like you. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re famous or just a regular guy,” Bryan said.
Luke’s whole body went hot and his eyes burned. No one had ever wanted him for just him. It had always been about connections, who was who, money and power. Luke put his elbows on the table and leaned in, staring directly into Bryan’s eyes. “You have no idea how wonderful that makes me feel, that you want to know me for me.”
Bryan reached across the table and ran his finger down Luke’s arm. “I’m glad you feel special, because you are.”
Luke blushed, amazed that he’d got this lucky. Bryan appealed to him more than other men did. He couldn’t put his finger on the exact cause for his interest, but it probably centred around the fact that the man was sweet and kind, and obviously thinking about more than just a score. Luke kept watching Bryan, sneaking glances when he could, loving the way the other man smiled.
Dinner was great. They talked about living in New York. Nichole told funny stories about the dogs she walked and kept flashing Luke sizzling looks that a week ago would have drawn his interest, but what really turned him on was Bryan’s blatant acceptance of him without even a clue as to his identity.
With dinner finished, they made their way back to Luke’s place. He wanted to ask them up, but part of him didn’t want to push for sex and ruin their entire relationship. They arrived at his building and stood on the corner. Luke didn’t know what to do. His body craved sex. He wanted to fuck both of them so badly he thought he would burst, but he valued the evening they’d just had.
Luke put his hands in his pockets as thoughts of rejection wound through him. Sure, he’d had sex with many people, but none of them had actually accepted him. He was going to take a chance with Bryan, really open up to him and let him in, and he only hoped he wouldn’t regret it.
“So, I want to invite you both up, but I don’t want to destroy this.” Luke stared straight into Bryan’s eyes, his heart thudding so hard he feared Bryan and Nichole could hear it.
“How about we go home and plan on doing this on Friday night?” Nichole chimed in, drawing his gaze from Bryan.
Disappointment flooded through Luke. He wanted Bryan to say something, but the guy stood there mute, just nodding. God, had he fucked this up already? Maybe Bryan didn’t want anything with him. He had brought Nichole along, after all. Luke was such an idiot, thinking that Bryan would actually care for him.
Luke smiled, putting on his public face, ignoring the pain in his heart. “Friday sounds good to me.”
* * * *
Amy raced home, hoping to catch sight of Pink. Damn, she needed to find out the girl’s name, but Pink would do for now.
Amy had gone in to work early, four-freaking-thirty in the morning, and done every ounce of paperwork she could find, which had allowed her to leave work at a decent hour. It was nearing six by the time she jumped off the train and made her way to the surface, running right into the girl of her dreams. Pink wobbled and started to tip backwards, so Amy reached out to steady her.
“So sorry, I didn’t mean to run you over.” Amy didn’t let go of the girl’s arm, too addicted to the heat. A slight scent of apples, a bit of dog, and some cinnamon wafted off the girl, leaving Amy desperate to lean in and sniff, to find out what other secrets this girl held. Pink stayed silent, staring up at Amy with her big blue eyes.
Amy smiled at Pink, hoping she could talk the girl into having dinner with her, or if not a meal, maybe a coffee. “I’m Amy. I just moved in down the hall from you.”
Pink’s eyes went even wider, her smile trembling as tears started to collect in her eyes. Amy saw pain flash behind the beautiful blue eyes. What had she done? “I’m sorry, are you okay?”
Pink swallowed and raised her hand. “I have to go.”
Amy watched Pink run off in the opposite direction, and her heart went out to the girl. There was a world of pain inside Pink and, for some twisted reason, Amy wanted to help her. Next time she met Pink, she’d make her talk. Well, she’d try to get her to talk, and she’d stay persistent.
* * * *
Friday rolled around and Bryan was ready for six to hit so he could get together with Luke and Nichole. He’d had another dream about Luke last night, and had woken to damp sheets and a stiff dick. He needed to get some relief. If they didn’t have sex tonight he was going to combust.
Nichole met him outside again and they all walked to the restaurant holding hands, like last time. They talked, but the conversation was held up more than once by meaningful stares.
As they stepped into the restaurant Luke grabbed both Bryan’s and Nichole’s hands and held them still. “You have to come up tonight. Please?”
Bryan glanced at Nichole, and she shrugged. He wanted this, but did she know what they were getting into? “You okay with this, Nichole?”
“Yes,” she hissed and stepped closer to him, running her fingers over his chest.
Bryan drew in a deep breath and sighed. He’d never done anything like this before, but being with both of these people felt right. After dinner they made their way back over to Luke’s building, fits of laughter interrupting their progress at least once a block. They were high on lust and emotions.
When they got to Luke’s building he led them into the lobby. They all said hello to the doorman and the concierge, but Bryan felt strange going upstairs with the pair. Surely it looked strange to the men?
Bryan was worried about the way it would look for Luke. When they’d stepped into the elevator, he turned to Luke.
“What?” Luke asked.
He hadn’t been able to disguise his worry. “I don’t want people gossiping about you. How many people do you bring up here?”
Luke gave a slight smile, his gaze connecting with Bryan’s. “That’s sweet. They won’t talk.”
“Are you sure?” Bryan asked.
“No, I’m not. I’ve never brought another person I was dating up here, just friends. If I hook up I go somewhere else, never hom
“Really?” Nichole asked.
“Yeah. I don’t want people to know that much about me. My place is special, my sanctuary.”
“So why are you inviting me—us—up?” Bryan asked.
Luke shot him a look that burned Bryan’s body. He’d been hot before, but now he was boiling. The elevator stopped and Luke eyed both him and Nichole.
“Welcome to my home.”
Luke grabbed Bryan’s hand first, then Nichole’s before the doors slid open.
His place was totally posh, especially for someone his age. Luke had his mom to thank for his success. At the young age of eight, his modelling career had begun only because his mom had threatened him with boarding school if he didn’t model. He’d chosen modelling and become the prima donna she’d always wanted. It had been too bad for her that his testosterone had kicked in during puberty, forcing him to take control of his own life or wither away under her strong arm. Of course, most of his money had come from wise investments and a little luck. Only in the last year, since he’d met Christopher, had his modelling career taken off to dizzying heights, and he now had a movie to co-star in.
He smiled to himself as the elevator doors slid open, revealing his sanctuary away from the crazies of the fashion world. He held back and watched Bryan and Nichole step into his wonderland. The few friends he’d brought into his home had been amazed, and their reactions always made him smile. Usually it was repair people, real business associates and close friends. The friends had gushed horribly, usually overdoing it, so he’d kept those invites to a minimum.
The main wall colour was called Perfect Greige, and the décor had Turkish Coffee accents. Basically beige with dark brown and grey, but he’d loved the names of the paints and wouldn’t forget them any time soon. The furniture had been handpicked by an Italian designer who’d given him the best blow job he’d ever experienced. The soft leather high-backs were beyond comfortable. Every accessory had been selected based on sentimental value and not only for decoration. He had bought the lapis-blue bowl in India when he’d done the photo shoot for Dior. The black onyx statue had come from Mexico, where he’d been for a swimwear shoot last May.
For a moment emptiness and despair filled Luke. His life had come down to possessions and meaningless fucks in bathroom bars. With Bryan he hoped to fill the hole in his soul for a few hours. Nichole was a bonus that he wasn’t sure how to deal with. Part of him wanted to be alone with Bryan, and that worried him a little. These two people had been strangers not that long ago, but somehow that had all changed, and he didn’t know exactly how Bryan had come to mean so much to him. How had someone become so important that he was breaking his rules and doing the one thing he’d decided he never would?
The empty, clawing nothingness that mocked him threatened to erupt and bring him to his knees, but he kept the beast under control and pushed aside his wishes for love and contentment. Too many times in the past, he’d mistaken people’s intentions. Sure, Bryan and Nichole seemed nice, but only time would tell. He shut down his feelings for Bryan, fearing the guy’s reaction. One day he might find something close to love, but why throw away two perfectly good bodies just because he had a problem with his emotions?
“So, my pretties, what shall we do?” Luke dropped their hands and spun around, a knock-’em-dead smile on his face. Years of modelling had taught him to manipulate his viewers into believing what he wanted them to believe, and tonight wouldn’t be any different as he pushed away the depression and the desire to get to know Bryan further, focusing only on his physical needs.
Bryan couldn’t take his eyes off Luke. The image of Luke on his knees in Silver Lace’s bathroom popped to the front of his mind. He needed the slither of Luke’s tongue on his balls and Luke’s hand on his cock. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to experience anal, but the taboo idea of having this guy suck him dry made him stiff.
Sure, it had been foolish to hop in Luke’s car two weeks ago, and maybe people would call him foolish for being here tonight. Hell, he didn’t even know who the guy was, except that he was a celebrity of some sort. Nichole stood to his right. Her big blue eyes melted his heart, but his real interest was Luke. Lust made him want Nichole too, but he would be just as hot if she hadn’t been there and it was only him and Luke.
Hell, how could he want both of these people? Nichole looked like a fairy next to Luke. Her pink hair and small stature gave her a magical appearance. Luke reminded him of visceral sex, all dark and dangerous. But was he brave enough to take that step and be with Luke? Sure, he’d had guys suck him off, but he’d never gone further than sloppy blow jobs and a few hand jobs.
Luke narrowed his eyes and stared right at him. “Don’t for a moment think I don’t know what you’re thinking.”
Bryan’s stomach lurched. His breath sped up and his heart thumped wildly. Did Nichole know his thoughts too? Of course she did. They were here for one reason, and all three of them knew it. Heat washed over him and he thought about running out and catching a cab. His gaze shot between Nichole and Luke. Oh, he was one sick bastard.
Nichole took two steps and closed the distance between them. “I think the two of you together would be totally hot.”
No way had he heard her correctly. The girl wanted him to be with Luke? Was she crazy? “Huh?”
“Come on, live a little.” Nichole kicked off her shoes, hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her skirt.
Bryan couldn’t breathe. His gaze was glued to Nichole’s hands as he waited for her to drop her skirt. Luke stepped between them.
“No, Bryan takes off his clothes first.”
Bryan shook his head, backing away from the pair. Why was he getting shy now? He wanted to be with them, but he was having trouble admitting it to himself. It all seemed to be too much. “I can’t do this.”
“Sure you can,” Luke said. His gaze travelled down Bryan’s body then back up, stopping for a long moment on his crotch.
If he’d been hard before, now his dick grew super hard. His cock craved freedom. Denying his desire would be lying, and he wouldn’t lie. With shaky hands, Bryan undid the button on his jeans and placed his thumb and index finger on the key of his zipper. He hesitated, not sure if he should take his clothes off. The seconds ticked by as Nichole and he stood ready to strip.
Luke’s lips curved up in a smile that turned Bryan inside out. The rip of his zipper sounded unusually loud. Without further hesitation, he pushed his pants over his butt and midway down his thighs. Luke drew in a sharp breath and Bryan’s gaze connected with his. He forgot about Nichole and the rest of the world.
Bryan’s pants dropped to the floor and he kicked off his shoes and socks, then shoved his pants to the side. Next his shirt hit the floor. Now he was down to his underwear. He swallowed hard and hesitated before he pushed his last stitch of clothing off, dropping the material to the floor at his feet.
Luke dropped to his knees, his eyes locked on to Bryan’s cock. Nichole stepped around Luke and slid her fingers down Bryan’s torso. Her electric touches made his head spin with desire, but it was Luke’s fingers on his abs that turned Bryan on too much, leaving his knees weak. Nichole moved around him and pinched his ass. He yelped and jumped forward.
Luke’s hot breath on his cock was like warm silk. Bryan shivered, praying that Luke would suck him now. But the man stood and walked away. He threw a glance over his shoulder at Bryan and Nichole, then crooked his index finger.
“Both of you follow me. Bedroom—now.”
This was the point where Bryan should have put his clothes back on and left the building, but Nichole skipped ahead, her pink hair bouncing with each step. The girl intrigued him, and Luke’s mouth was waiting for him.
Bryan followed them down the hall and into a large bedroom that had been painted a lighter shade of beige than the rest of the house, and decorated with deep reds and purples. His breathing hitched with every other step. Anticipation made him antsy. Nichole stripped off her skirt, revealing a lacy t
He turned to Luke and sucked in a deep breath as Luke stared at him. Bryan’s eyes rolled up in his head and his brain fuzzed. Nichole peeled off her shirt and danced around in her bra. He wanted to touch her, but Luke’s gaze held him in place.
“Pull the top covers off the bed,” Luke commanded.
Bryan did as he’d been asked and lay down in the middle of the bed, not sure if Luke or Nichole would be the first to move towards him, but he wanted something to happen soon. The mixed emotions of wanting both Nichole and Luke made his mind spin. If he thought too much about having sex with both of them, his head would explode.
Luke unbuttoned his shirt, his gaze fastened onto Bryan. The man’s movements were slow and deliberate, driving Bryan crazy. Nichole stayed off to the side and flitted about the room. When Luke pushed his shirt to the floor, Nichole went to him and climbed up on Luke’s torso, kissing the man with enthusiasm.
Bryan had a great view of Nichole’s ass and pussy with the dark thong for decoration. His gaze was riveted to her ass as Luke slid his fingers along Nichole’s crack and pushed the material to the side. Luke slid his fingers into her core. Bryan stroked his dick as Luke finger-fucked Nichole. She gyrated and moaned as Luke manipulated her most sensitive spot.
The pressure in Bryan’s balls increased with Nichole’s writhing. After a minute she threw her head back and cried out. Luke had made her come, and from the expression on her face she’d enjoyed every second.
Luke deposited Nichole on the bed beside Bryan. She snuggled up against Bryan, her arm draped over his chest.
Bryan watched Luke. The man dropped his pants and his dick sprang free. Luke was hung like a god. His long, wide cock fell over his shaved balls. Bryan realised the man had almost no body hair.
Bryan’s dick jumped when Luke crawled onto the bed. His heart hammered and his head swam. Bryan craved Luke’s lips on his dick and the sweet pull of this man’s mouth. The combined smells of Nichole’s pussy and Luke’s masculine aroma left Bryan feeling heady and decadent.